First, I thought I would show you a picture of the "front" of our house... this is an angle that I don't post a lot, for one reason... that darn porch. The porch has a flat roof (as well as the bay window) and I hate it... just doesn't fit in with the high peaks on the rest of the house. So we are going to change that.

We are not simply doing it for aesthetics... the porch roof leaks terribly, but that is something we knew when buying the house. So it was always in the plan to fix it up and give it a slope for water run off... right now it all pools in the middle and seeps on through.

So last weekend, Mom & Dad came over to help us start things off by tearing out the ceiling.

This will be the first step in the process, and next weekend we will actually rip off the roof and start replacing it.

Here is what it looks like now... and I have to say, it was not up to code at all. Modern wiring connected to century old wiring, rafters rotted and patched with 2x4s and most notably, they had removed part of the ceiling and placed an old Easter basket bucket up in there to catch dripping water... ugh... so we will be starting from scratch.

But we are happy we tore it out to discover everything that needs to be fixed. Saturday and Sunday that Helms come down to help with the next step, and I can't wait!!! I'll keep you posted, Happy Tuesday!
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