I have debated whether or not to post these for the last few days, but have decided that it would help me to keep them if they were public. So here are my 2011 resolutions.
Number One : Date Night
We are officially implementing a date night each month. A night/day for the two of us, doing something specifically together out of the usual. This is normally not an issue in the summer months, or once it gets nice enough to go outside, but during these winter months – many nights are spent on the couch with a computer and Netflix… how romantic. So to kick things off in January we treated ourselves to an afternoon out for ribs at the Hitching Post, ice cream and home to play Yahtzee.
Number Two : Breaking Routine
Number Two : Breaking Routine
Chris is very excited about this one! Chris grew up with an amazing cook (his mom) and ended up marrying me, the queen of Hamburger Helper! We have a “rotating” meal plan, essentially we cook the same things quite often… Chris would really love it if I would try experimenting some more… so here is the plan: Three new meals each month. Shouldn’t be too difficult, but considering that we can be a picky eaters (lots of meat and starch in this household) and that fact that I don’t care much for cooking, this will be a chore! But we are looking forward to cracking open the cookbooks and calling on loved ones for recipes we’ve wanted to try!
Chris and I are not much for housekeeping, but we really enjoy a clean house. So this year we will focus on creating organization out of the chaos. We have plans for areas of function that are still appealing to the eyes. Making sure that basic household chores are handled will also be a part of this step... darn it, I don't like cleaning.
We have a large house, very large considering we are only two people. While we have the room for all of our stuff, I have realized, we have a ton of stuff that we DO NOT NEED. So I am going to set this goal to declutter my house of this unnecessary mess to help with Resolution Three. For example, as stated, we are two people and there are five laptops in this household, why? Cause one could go down? Emotional attachments? They were gifts? Haha, for whatever reason, this number will be decreasing!
Number Five : Saving Moolah
We are armed ourselves with some money saving techniques and have vowed to work on increasing our savings account this year. With the house, a car and the wedding this past year, our savings took a hit. So this year we will focus on replenishing our nest egg, but remember to enjoy a few planned purchases along the way! More on those to come this year!
Number Five : Saving Moolah
We are armed ourselves with some money saving techniques and have vowed to work on increasing our savings account this year. With the house, a car and the wedding this past year, our savings took a hit. So this year we will focus on replenishing our nest egg, but remember to enjoy a few planned purchases along the way! More on those to come this year!

Number Six : Project Follow-Through
There are tons of things to do on my project list, just ask the hubby! The issue can be that I get halfway through with one project and then get sidetracked by another, especially if shiny objects are involved - very distracting! So I am going to try my hardest to ensure that once a project is started, it is seen through to the end. In addition, some of the larger projects involve time to save pennies, implementing Resolution Five and more time to convince the boy that they are necessary (insert evil grin here). So to help with the follow-through, I will make an intentional push to share all of our projects, big and small on the blog.
This year we will make an effort to get out more. In addition to date night, we will plan a couple adventures. Whether it be a geocaching excursion or re-implementing the “girls” road trip that got trumped by the wedding in 2010. Chris has never been to the ocean, so that may be on the horizon. We have family throughout this great nation, maybe it is time for a visit and some sightseeing. Maybe the answer is a weekend trip to the big “cities” with family for some splash time fun or another visit to the snow hill. No matter the decision, it is sure to be a blast.
This year we will make an effort to get out more. In addition to date night, we will plan a couple adventures. Whether it be a geocaching excursion or re-implementing the “girls” road trip that got trumped by the wedding in 2010. Chris has never been to the ocean, so that may be on the horizon. We have family throughout this great nation, maybe it is time for a visit and some sightseeing. Maybe the answer is a weekend trip to the big “cities” with family for some splash time fun or another visit to the snow hill. No matter the decision, it is sure to be a blast.

Number Eight : Acknowledge Obsessions
This is one that we started working on a little early, but will be a big part of 2011 for us. This year we will learn to acknowledge and embrace obsessions. Hi, my name is Kelli and I am addicted to thrifting and white spray paint – I am married to a man who is passionate about video games and firepower, but insists the ammunition and intense practice will all pay off when the zombies attack.
Number Nine : Embrace Life
While this may not seem like a typical resolution that can be checked off a list, but it is something that I need to put in writing. I have to work on taking life by the horns. We do not need to adhere to anyone else’s rules (well with the exception of anything that could land us behind bars)! Just because someone else structured their life in a certain pattern, does not mean that we need to carbon copy that pattern in hopes of achieving the same results. So we will learn to embrace opportunity, change and make mistakes! We won’t be afraid of dreaming (Chris), but we will take it with a dose of logic(Kelli).
And because we make our own rules, there are only nine resolutions, not ten - or it could be that the creative juices have stopped flowing… take your pick!
We wish you all a very happy new year and hope that you will continue to check in to see all of the exciting, and mundane, paths we hope to follow this year.
Loved this! You are such a fun couple and I know you'll do all these and more :)
Enjoyed this post! I think I'm just going to use your resolutions as they are great.
Great list of resolutions - I'd like to implement some of those for the New Year too. My main focus is to live a healthier lifestyle.
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