I have a major case of Baby Fever this week!
Meet Finnigan! He's the new addition to the Brouwer family! We are so incredibly happy for them. Finn is just so handsome and his mama couldn't look more beautiful!
Then this week I have been working on baby gifts for a friend at work who also had a little boy recently. I forgot to take a picture of the frame before, but here it is after a quick paint job. I removed everything but the glass and used my silhouette to cut the vinyl.
The next few pictures were all silhouette projects. This is a onesie for the little man.
Daddy is a big golfer, so this should be quite fitting!
And I couldn't resist making the bibs. The bibs were ordered from Babies R' Us... I loved the colors!
Last weekend I ended up getting really sick on Sunday, so the guest bedroom didn't get finished - so we plan to do so this weekend! Bring on the paint, primer and baseboards - I'm ready to finish this baby!
Also on next week's agenda, another auction! Woo Hoo! Totally pumped! I have my list of what I am looking for (along with max bids) and I've been practicing my poker face.
And then to top it off - we have a wedding in the cities on Friday! Can't wait! Maybe even a trip to Ikea on Saturday, that would be the cherry to top off what is sure to be an excellent week! I hope you all have a wonderful weekend, Happy Friday!
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