Wednesday, December 5, 2007

A Long Overdue Update

Okay... so things have been extremely crazy around here lately. So this is now what I look like 24/7...

With the holidays arriving fast it always means more things crammed into the same amount of time... lets break it down.

Work: I've had two huge projects, preparing for a large conference in the cities this week, and creating informational binders containing anything and everything that is Southwest Minnesota to send to a national talk radio host in Fargo in hopes of gaining sponsor for a national movement we have begun. Well, I am proud to say that I finished them on Tuesday, so now I move on to two other major projects... Speech Spectacular 2007 and taking on a major role in the application process for accrediation of the first corporate university in the world (Schwan's University). So things are just going to get crazier from here...

School: Well I have one and a half weeks until finals... so of course all of the large projects that I have avoided all semester are all due next week. Figures... but hey, I work best under pressure and as my mother would say "it's a rush!" Only one more semester after this, and I have to admit I can not wait!

SIFE: Well as most of you know SIFE is a major part of my life. Lately I have been freaking, because I have a little over two months to complete 29 projects... wish me luck! Nature's Backyard is taking up a lot of time lately, as well as the rest of the projects. I'll keep you all updated on how these go. I am hoping to start sleeping again after our directors meeting on Saturday; we will be going through all of our projects and breaking them down... we're looking at 8 hours... ugh.

FAMILY/FRIENDS: This is what is keeping me sane! Thank you all! Mom, Tiana and I went shopping in the cities last weekend and had a great time! We got to see my aunt Kim and cousin Aubrey while we were there, not to mention all of the fabulous shopping (IKEA)!!!

Also, last month my family and I attend the Vikings/Chargers game in Minneapolis. Wow, what a great game!

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