Well I mentioned a few posts back that I was currently reading The Hunger Games series... I finished it last week and have to say, AMAZING. I loved every page of it! If you get a chance and like romance books with lots of excitement, check out this page turning series! I also saw that they are planning to turn these books into movie trilogy! Expected to hit theatres Summer 2012, woot woot!
Next up, The Help by Kathryn Stockett

For instance this paragraph,
"Only three thing them ladies talk about: they kids, they clothes, and they friends. I head the word Kennedy, I know they ain't discussing no politic. They talking about what Miss Jackie done wore on the tee-vee."
Now this is entertaining, but sure slows my reading down. (And I am not a speedy reader to start with) I look forward to pushing through to see what is to come! And while flipping through a recent People magazine, I was surprised to discover that this book has also been turned into a movie, being released this August. Guess that just means it must be a good book! I just need to endure, but I'm sure hearing the words will be much easier than reading them!
AND, speaking of books - Yesterday, I got some happy mail!
I have been patiently waiting for this order to come in!
Last week I ordered the book Mamarazzi, a guide for moms to photograph kids. Now, hold up! We have no baby news at the Helm house yet, but that isn't going to stop me from being prepared! I have been dying to get my hands on this to study up for future reference. I actually ordered two copies. One for me and one for a special preggo gal I know, dropping it in the mail today!
Happy Wednesday All!