Wow... my blog has got to be the most boring place on the internet right now! Talk about disappointing... anywho, that is about to change! Combined with being snowed in last weekend, and a full week of vacation next week, I've got things to post!
First and foremost, do you see what I see? Majorly cluttered counter and a HUGE empty wall! Well last summer, I got shelves to put on them naked walls... and they have sat in my dining room since... well not anymore! Enter a snow day, three bottles of wine and a nagging wife (aka ME) - and things get done!
Some marking and more leveling...
Bring in the drill and...
Ta Da!!! Prudy new shelves and a much cleaner counter! I took me all of five seconds to fill the shelves once Chris was done! Not only eye catching, but super useful!
Left Shelf
Right Shelf
I (((heart))) IKEA!!!
Apologies for the dirty camera and whacky focusing... I'll blame it on the wine!
Man those shelves look level for 3 bottles of wine! Plus, I don't see any extra mistake nail holes like I always get when Jeff hangs something :)
You didn't label Grandma's red butter dish! It looks wonderful in your kitchen and I bet it brings wonderful memories.
There is a story behind the red butter dish... I have to admit, it isn't Grandma's. It is actually my Mom's.
I think Lisa got Grandma's butter dish. But everytime I look at this one (given to me when I moved out of the house), I think of my amazing Mother and a dear Grandma...
Nothing like a daily reminder of how a simple object can make you feel so loved.
But more on that with a Christmas surprise this year! :)
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