A few weeks back I was able to get out geocaching with my soon-to-be nephew, Riley. It was a hot one out that day, but we braved the scorching rays and "un-conditioned" car to take him out for his first time!

Here he is at his first find of this own! We did extremely well that day, finding 5 of the 7 we set out to locate (this is higher than Chris and I tend to average)! It is interesting watching younger ones look for caches, as they are much more investigative than I am... note to self for future trips, get down low...

What was most fun to watch was Riley sorting through the swag ("treasures" inside a cache). This is a part that Chris and I don't normally take part in, unless it is a travel bug... we just sign the log and leave... but not with youngsters - it is all about the loot! So we spent time looking through each one we found and traded items for swag we had brought with us. Riley's favorite finds of the day were an American flag pin for his motorcycle vest and a shiny fishing lure!

I had a wonderful afternoon with him, and can't wait to do it again! Thanks for the great day Riley!
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