Thursday, July 7, 2011

Busy. Busy. Busy.

Just wanted to apologize for the lack of posts. We have been busy working on our new porch roof. We had quite the storm a week ago on Friday... quite a bit of damage in the area, but only small branches at our house (secretly, we were hoping a tree would fall on the porch... no such luck)! But we did lose power, for nearly 48 hours... sure made our pace slower, running everything off of one generator.

Anywho, more posts to come! We are close to finishing the roof (thanks to help from our fabulous family), only ridging, flashing and some siding left to complete... but more on that soon, I promise! This weekend looks to be busy with Cottonwood's "Coming Home Days" happening, and then I am off to Nashville next week for work. Will be back soon!

Things to Come:
1. New Porch Roof
2. Guest Room Update
3. Jared & Caycee's Engagement Pictures - Take 1
4. Thrifty Finds

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