I am only as strong as the coffee I drink, the hairspray I use and the friends I have.
On November 1st my best girl (Beth) and I set out on a road trip. We decided a week earlier that we just needed a weekend away... so we decided to go to Duluth! A three day trip that would not be about the destination, but about the journey! There will be a few posts on this trip (or at least that is the plan), so I thought I would start out with the oddities! We recalculated our route so that we may see more of what Minnesota has to offer! Enjoy!
This is one of my favorite photos, yes it is simply us in the car, BUT we are in Wisconson! We crossed the bridge, but once we got there... we were scared to get out of the car, so I guess this is as good as it gets for the cheesehead state!
Here are some of the roadside attractions we saw during the weekend. Some of our favorites including the world's largest ball of twine, the grasshopper church in cold springs, a pantsless man, and our most favorite... a random guy chillin' in his trunk!
This is my favorite picture of the whole trip, and the very first picture taken! It makes me think of that tune... "which one of these is not like the other ones, which one of these just doesn't belong"... do you see which one doesn't belong?!